How to Use A Climber Tree Stand (Lone Wolf)


I have been hunting with a Lone Wolf climbing stand for 7 seasons now. It is a great setup for being mobile while hunting in PA. Climbers work best on straight long trees without branches. We have lots of those in our dominated hardwood forest in PA. With the saddle movement and ultra lightweight hang ons, why would anyone chose to use a climber?

The answer is, weight and convenience. I can setup in almost half the time with my climber vs. hang on or saddle. The weight is about in line with the setup weight of some of the more expensive options. Especially if you use the smaller assault hand climber. The obvious downside is lack of trees to climb compared to the other options. But again, in PA, there are near limitless options.

In the picture above, I am illustrating how I climb. I use a pull up method where I put the seat above my head, pull the bottom stand up, then reposition the seat above my head again. This allows me to cover more ground with the climber then inching up with the typical method. 

I am using military ruck sack straps and kidney belt to spread the weight out. You can also get the XOP tree stand carrier. 

To watch the video I made on how to climb with a climber, follow the link below to my YouTube channel. 

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